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Building Your Own WordPress Website

Website design has changed a lot in the last few years and Hampshire Wedding Photographers Paul Tansely is going to show you how to build and create your own site easily. If you can write a letter in Word and know how to drag a picture into that letter, then you can design a website. It really is that easy.

WordPress’s introduction of Gutenberg, creating websites using blocks has totally transformed what is possible and how easy it is to do. One day you may not even need a theme as WordPress wants you to be able to design the whole site in pure WordPress. However, before we get to that stage, there are advantages to having a theme on top of the basic Gutenberg that controls certain aspects of the site easily. The modern day theme of choice is Kadence. A free theme. It was built for speed, but also built to be easy to use. Kadence’s other product is blocks. They sell certain blocks that expand on the functionality of the basic Gutenberg one’s. Most Kadence sites are made up of a combo of the Theme and some of their blocks.

A lot of photographers have lost track of website design and have had a bad experience using WordPress. I’ve been there. Old WordPress was horrible to do anything in. You were much better off buying a theme that took control of WordPress. Something like ProPhoto, FloThemes, Divi and Elementor etc. all did this. They hid WordPress behind the scenes, it was fugly. That has all changed when Gutenberg and block theory came along. Now WordPress is far easier and simpler to use. And there is far more control. Add that to the fact that those old Themes were very bloated with code, designing a modern website with Gutenberg and Kadence will help to make a very fast site, right out of the box.

In a one hour slot (may overrun) I’m going to try and show you how to design a website from the ground up, quickly and easily. And how Kadence allows you to control each part of it easily. Then how to use the 3 container method to control each block of the site, allowing you ultimate control of how things look to your clients regardless of what device they are using.

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