Satisfaction Guarantee: You have up to 30 days to try the content and community we’ve created for you. If you’re not satisfied that we’ve kept our promise to help sharpen your technique, level up your business, and connect you to a community of fellow professionals, we will refund your membership fee!
NineDots Community members receive exclusive access to:
— Exclusive regular content to allow you to constantly push your photography craft and grow as business owners
— Online Q&A sessions and interviews with special industry guests to help answer your photography and business issues as the year goes on
— Free entry into our NineDots Awards to keep you inspired and to reward the excellent work of our community
— All our pre-recorded and ever growing bank of digital content. 100s of hours of video tips and tutorials – as well as guest content from industry leading experts
— Exclusive discounts for NineDots events and products
— 10% off albums with Loxley Colour
— Lots more industry discounts from our various partners
— Regular detailed online tutorials on workflow, processing, shooting and business skills throughout the year to keep inspired and always be learning
— Access to our incredible online community group for continued support, inspiration and wedding referral leads
— TWO-SHOOTER STUDIOS! Only one of you needs to pay. Just sign up, and send us the email address of the other person and we’ll reply with details of how to activate their membership.