Adrian Fluture

Adrian Fluture

Spotlight: Adrian Fluture
In this series we are sharing some of the wonderful photographers who make up the NineDots Community. Finding out what makes them tick and the what, why and how behind some of the work they are most proud of. Today Adrian Fluture shares his favourite 2 images and why he loves them so much.


I love Wedding photography because in this type of photography I always find things that attract me because the relationships and reactions of people are so different. It is assumed that the wedding is a happy event where people laugh and feel good but yet we see people who cry or who, due to stress, talk in higher tones. It is such a complex event! That is why i love wedding photography! I am a person who likes humour a lot and I try to convey that in my photography as well.

Without realising it, i have been photographing since I was young, around a few years old… without a camera, just through play. I liked to put stop frames in my mind of some situations and people’s reactions and then i tried to give my own interpretation. It is such a fun game that has helped me a lot in being able to anticipate moments. It is still a practice that I still use.

Adrian’s favourite 2 photos

I love this photo because it is also a unique moment. The bride is seen in the mirror of the car she was about to take to the restaurant and her face overlaps in this case with her twin brother’s face. Yes, it was just a coincidence that I captured but it is such a powerful story. What were the chances that the person who appeared in front of my camera was actually the bride’s twin brother? It is said that twins have such a strong bond between them that often they feel what happens to the other even if they are at considerable distances. When one is happy, the other feels the same happiness and rejoices together. It is about this special bond that this photo speaks.

I chose this photo because it is such a powerful moment. It is an embrace between a father and his son that seems to come from the future, like an embrace between two adults. The child in this posture is no longer a child but a wise adult who is embracing his father. It is a moment that shows how strong the bond between a father and his son is. It is a memory that will be cherished and deeply grateful for everything that means ‘father’ to a ‘child’.


NineDots is such a strong  and positive community. The strong point is not the awards but this beautiful community. It is also such a great source of information. I have not found so much information anywhere on any platform. I would like to diversify my portfolio with weddings from England with the help of NineDots. I would really like this.